The Optimist Priya


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19th June - 23rd June, 2023

Humkara with Haleem Workshop

Humkara with Haleem is a powerful healing technique.

This modality works on financial, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.

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Humkara with Haleem is a powerful healing technique.

Humkara with Haleem symbols as claimed are said to be made by combined vibrations of Mantras



🛑 Boost Mental capacity leading to increase in memory power ( brain capacity – Farsightedness)

🛑 Reconstruction of damage cells & start auto healing system of body.

🛑 Increased concentration

🛑 Enhanced productivity

🛑 Achieving Targets

🛑 Clarity in thoughts

🛑 Boosting of communication skills

🛑 Creates peace & harmony in relations

🛑 Improve health & wellness leading to improved immunity & protection against diseases from mental stress TO get rid of ( Release) depression & anxiety

🛑 Remove / Release karmic & financial blockages

🛑 Remove negative energies such as sports or negative entities ( physic attacks)

🛑 Cleaning / Clearing aura

🛑 Activation of Brahma Nadi

🛑 Balancing vastu energy of place

🛑 Calming of the enemies

🛑 Resolving Business issues & legal cases

🛑 Useful for all aspects of learners, students, CA’s, government officers & politicians

🛑 Helps to remove addictions.

🛑 The Haleem symbols is the most powerful to cut deep rooted cords instantly.

🛑 Eases the body of daily stress.

🛑 Amends fractured relationship between spouses, boosts profit making for business owners in commodity market. promotes market share, and also promotes mental strength.

What will be Covered in the Workshop?

⭐ History about Humkara with Haleem
⭐ 3 powerful symbols, their meaning and applications
⭐ 1 additional powerful symbol, its meaning and applications
⭐ Process of self-healing and to heal others
⭐ Detailed Siddhi Karan process for symbols will be explained
⭐ Attunement procedure for teaching this modality in offline mode only
⭐ Examples of using the symbols in daily life for healing self and others
⭐ Videos,Notes, Pdf and certificate will be provided .

Who can Learn this Healing?

⭐Any professional healer/counsellor can add this modality to their practice.
⭐ Medical practitioners who wish to add energy medicine in their practice.
⭐ Working professionals can improve their productivity and creativity at work.
⭐ Parents can learn for themselves and to heal their children & family
⭐ People who work in creative, art related fields too can find it helpful
⭐ Any one who has to dwell in toxic environment and shield themselves
⭐ Students who are doing higher studies can be benefitted too

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